While I was on a holiday in Queensland in May, Roger was slaving away putting together kitchen flat packs. I am not sure that I like the wood because as you can see there is a colour variation in the cabinets. I might yet paint over them. Still deciding! We now have a new bathroom as we have a wall of drawers and cupboards. The big mirror is one of two enormous ones that plastered the entire wall. We expected that at least one would smash when we removed them but neither did. Roger then made up a frame to go around one of the mirrors and the other is waiting till be sell it at the garage sale of the century. All we have to do in here now is some tiling and the floor covering. I have wanted a Japanese style bedroom like I have here at home so when we needed built in robes I asked Roger to create shoji screens for the doors which he did very nicely. I just love them. They are made from translucent perspex. Not all work has taken place inside the house, Roger has laid the slab for the extension with some help from Brian, Tom and Jason. Its 3 metres by 12 metres and will be used as a storage room and house the freezer and odds and ends.