Thursday, February 3, 2011

This is on my mind.......gratitude.

Looking out over my view this morning, the weather is calm, mild and gorgeous and I am thinking about the people in Queensland who have been battered by the forces of mother nature. From floods to cyclones, those people are picking up the pieces and getting on with it. It makes me realize the resilience of human beings, even though I an SO GRATEFUL not to have my resilience tested. My wishes go out to you all.


  1. That is beautiful view. I feel very sorry for the people in Queensland also, we are lucky we are safe.Our prayers are with them. B

  2. You have a wonderful view.
    Yes, I too feel so grateful - well said.

  3. We have a lot to be grateful for, don't we. You live in a beautiful place.

  4. Lovely. It looks like a river. I'm grateful too for what I have. And you know having gratitude in my heart is much better than envy. I'm thankful for that as well. :)

  5. I share your sentiments and thank you as well for sharing your beautiful view!

  6. Wow! Is that your view. It's divine! Love the pretty flowers :)

  7. A Beautiful View!!
    I love your attitude of gratitude post!

  8. God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind I will probably never die! I invite you to visit and follow my blog if you want too.

    Take care and have a nice day :-)
